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zybk 数码 2023-11-23 20:45:01 240 0


1. Alive and kicking(活蹦乱跳)

2. Back and forth(来回来去)

3. Bells and whistles(花里胡哨)

4. Blood, sweat, and tears(付出汗水和泪水)

5. Bright and early(清晨)

6. Cat and mouse(猫捉老鼠)

7. Clean and tidy(干净整洁)

8. Dead and buried(死定了)

9. Fish and chips(炸鱼薯条)

10. Flotsam and jetsam(碎片和漂浮物)

11. Hugs and kisses(拥抱和亲吻)

12. Jack and Jill(男女搭配或者伙伴)

13. Kith and kin(亲人朋友)

14. Law and order(法律和秩序)

15. Lock, Stock and Barrel(全部、完整)

16. Milk and honey(极为丰富的物质)

17. Prim and proper(规矩、端庄)

18. Salt and pepper(胡椒粉和盐)

19. Shake and bake(撒点调料就能制成)

20. Stars and stripes(星条旗)



- 诗歌:

Long I waited in the morning sun

Beckoning the days to bring more fun

But alas, my heart was burdened with sorrow

Here in the valley of shadows and death

Where every breath is a labored breath

I walk alone, hoping for a brighter tomorrow

- 文学手法:

The rise and fall of the tides, the ebb and flow of life

The laughter and tears, the joys and the strife

All is intertwined in this web of existence

The clock ticks on, the seconds turn to minutes

The days turn to weeks, the seasons have their limits

Yet the cycle of life continues with persistence



